Publicity photo taken by Bob Byler in 1985 of Jean Kittrell at the Levee House in St. Louis, MO. Kittrell is seated at the piano with a microphone, smiling with head turned to face the camera, wearing a fringe dress. Stage curtains are visible in the…
Color photo of Jean Kittrell performing upstairs on the Goldenrod Showboat in a white fringe dress. She is seated on a wooden chair holding a microphone in her right hand, turned toward the camera and away from an upright piano with strings exposed.…
Black and white photo of Jean Kittrell, far right on piano and vocals, performing with (left to right) Doug Mattocks (banjo), Mike Schimmer (washboard), and John Becker (tenor banjo) at a jazz festival on the Goldenrod Showboat. Kittrell is wearing…
Color photograph donated by Don Franz of the Lt. Robert E. Lee Showboat and Restaurant. Jean Kittrell and her bands, including the seven piece St. Louis Rivermen and three (later four) piece Jazz Incredibles, performed here on weekend nights.
Color photograph of David "Red" Lehr performing on sousaphone aboard the Goldenrod Showboat. He is wearing a Goldenrod Showboat button or nametag, and there is a microphone on a stand pointed toward the bell of the sousaphone. Lehr was a foundational…
Publicity photo of Jean Kittrell and the St. Louis Rivermen in St. Louis, Missouri, taken in 2002. L-R: Noel Kaletsky with clarinet, Steve Lilley with cornet, Brett Stamps with trombone, Jean Kittrell, Bobby Grimm with banjo, David "Red" Lehr with…
Black and white publicity photo of the Old St. Louis Levee Band on the levee of the Mississippi river with the Lt. Robert E. Lee Showboat in the background. Left to right (standing): Bobby Grimm on banjo, David "Red" Lehr on sousaphone, Jean Kittrell…
Black and white publicity photo of the Old St. Louis Levee Band on the Lt. Robert E. Lee Showboat and Restaurant's saloon. L-R: David "Red" Lehr leaning on sousaphone, Jean Kittrell seated at piano, Pat Arana with trombone, leaning on piano, Rick…
Black and white photograph of David "Red" Lehr (left) and Gene Pokorny (right) performing together at a summer concert with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra featuring the Jazz Incredibles. The concert took place at Queeny Park in St. Louis County.…
Black and white photo of Jean Kittrell performing board the Goldenrod Showboat in St. Louis, Missouri at the 1967 St. Louis Ragtime Festival. Left to right are Ed "Doc" Souchon on guitar, Terry Waldo on tuba, Don Franz on banjo, and Jean Kittrell on…