Photo of Old St. Louis Levee Band performing with the Tenth Avenue Jazz Band on 1996 Mediterranean Cruise. Members of the Old St. Louis Levee Band visible in the photo include Jean Kittrell in red fringe dress and Bobby Grimm seated to the right of…
Jean Kittrell performing with a man in brightly colored silk shirt on stage on Mediterranean Cruise with the Old St. Louis Levee band and Tenth Avenue Jazz Band in 1996. Kittrell is wearing a gold and mahogany fringe dress, holding a drink in one…
Jean Kittrell and Jack Tartar from the St. Louis Rivermen performance at Three Rivers California Jazz Festival, April 1995. Kittrell is at the piano singing, and Tartar is behind the piano to the right playing upright bass. Photo is taken from the…
Publicity photo of the Jazz Incredibles playing in the recording studio, taken by Bob Byler in 1995, possibly in Strongville. L-R: John Becker on banjo, David "Red" Lehr on sousaphone, and Jean Kittrell singing with microphone, piano out of frame.…
Jean Kittrell seated on a piano bench, head turned to face camera, posing with all the albums she has recorded laid out on the floor in front of her. There are a total of 18 albums in the photo, including one on the piano. This photo was taken by bob…
Photo flier for the JazzSea Caribbean Cruise in 2003. Flier reads "Jean Kittrell & St. Louis Rivermen/JazzSea 2003/Photos by Bob Byler" and features a photo of each of the seven members of the group performing. From top, L-R: Brett Stamps on…
This poster features the flyer for Jim Gover's 13th annual Traditional Jazz Party held in 2009 honoring special guests Jean Kittrell and Juliana Woodard. This poster was signed in red ink by many attendees as a gift to Jean. Many of the signatures…
Jazz recording by the Jazz Incredibles for Music Masters. Personnel of the Jazz Incredibles on this recording include Jean Kittrell on piano/vocals, John Becker on banjo, and David "Red" Lehr on sousaphone. A full track list is available in the liner…
Solo jazz recording by Jean Kittrell for Fat Cat's Jazz Records made in 1974 in Manassas, Virginia. Full liner notes, track list, and additional personnel for the track "Delia" are available in the transcription field.
Jazz recording by Jean Kittrell and the St. Louis Rivermen for Music Masters. Personnel of the St. Louis Rivermen on this recording include Jean Kittrell on piano/vocals, John Becker on banjo, David "Red" Lehr on sousaphone, Steve Lilley on cornet,…